
Travis Helms

is an Episcopal priest serving the University of Texas, Austin. He is Founder + Director of LOGOS Poetry Collective: a 'liturgically-inflected' reading series that congregates in a local brewery. He has spoken widely on poetry, theology, and the imagination in secular and church contexts.

His poems have appeared in Sons and Daughters Journal, La Piccioletta Barca, Noesis, The New Haven Review, and Desperate Literature: the Unamuno Author Series Festival Anthology; and my articles in North American Review, Book 2.0, and The Austin American-Statesman. He was the inaugural William W. Cook Frost Place Fellow, runner-up for the John Kinsella / Tracy Ryan Poetry Prize (Cambridge, UK), and winner of the Arthur Sale Poetry Prize (Cambridge, UK).

He lives in Austin with his wife, Gracie, and dog, Roo.